Saturday, February 18, 2012

Apprenticeship or Tattoo School

Now, search for an apprenticeship

 I currently live in the state of Oregon, which as far as my research has led me to believe, does not allow a traditional apprenticeship, they only offer schools. I will explain the differences and why.
A traditional Apprenticeship is said to go like this, you find an artist who digs your work and is willing to teach you to express your art in the medium of tattoo, but this knowledge is sacred, it is to be earned not just given. So you work for them (without pay, this is how you pay the artist for teaching you), you prove to them you understand the art and work not just the paycheck. Once proven worthy, they let you through the gates of gold and give you the opportunity to put to use all the knowledge you have gained. So why did they decide to change things around? I guess the state of Oregon doesn't like you working with out equal pay, I guess because at the end if they wanted the Mentor could rip off the student and not teach them.

So, a tattoo school is very similar to that of an apprenticeship, but instead of working hard at the tattoo parlor they require cash upfront and you go straight to the art.

Personally, I would prefer the traditional apprenticeship. I want to prove that I am worthy of all the knowledge they are willing to share with me. To prove my heart is in the right place, I want it for the art. For the clients. For the passion.

The only plus about the school, is the speed. I could be a professional with in a year were as with an apprenticeship I may go years before touching needle to ink.

So what am I going to do?

Unfortunately whichever opportunity arises first. Life is moving forward always, and I can't wait til a moment is perfect to make a move. Tho in my dream it goes a perfect way, in reality I am 26 years old and life is happening now, I want kids someday and I need a settled career before that can happen. Plus I am so picky of an artist the mentor I choose would probably be so busy in their own lives they wouldn't have the time to teach a stranger :)

If I could choose one who would it be?

So many choices. But it would be Roman Abrego, Guy Aitchison, or Paul Booth! See what I mean!? If you don't know who they are or what they are known for... Well look at their art, amazing :)

Brief Beginning

Howdy XD

Welcome To The World of Jessica Kimrey.

So, as much as I would love to give you a brief beginning of my life, I easily get sidetracked and then this blog would get no where because I would be concentrating on explaining my past instead of sharing my current adventures!

I am however going to attempt a super super brief sum up: I grew up on a very large property of about 80 acres. On this property we lived in a very small... Shack, but a pretty decent shack considering that it was a shack :). So, this lovely little shack had no electricity but thankfully in the later years it had running water. Now imagine living with no electricity, what do you do? Art's and Crafts duh! Well, mind you a lot of exploring all the acreage as well, but for the most part. Art's and Crafts.
My home for many years, things tend to run down faster when you're away...

Now, although I grew up spending my spare time on art's it immediately got phased out with.. Sadly, electricity. I fell in love with the computer when I first got my hands on one... And beings how I never thought of Art as a career, I quickly neglected the past time filing my time with the things most people would have done prior. So skip past a few wasted years, leading up to around 21 when I dated a man who wanted to be a tattoo artist. I was intrigued, At this point I had already welcomed art back into my life by trying an online college ( which was interesting ) Degree Choice, Associates in Science Graphic Design. Just a heads up, many people may be lead to believe this is computer arts classes only, that belief is false. I took numerous drawing classes, as a matter of fact because I only did a year I never made it to the computer arts part of it, only used graphite (pencil).

Anyway, so this Man I dated had a tattoo machine, as well as some rubbery practice skin. So, I figure what's it going to hurt if I give it a shot. I instantly fell in love with the medium and was told I was a natural. I only tried it a few times before I  stopped. Don't want to touch it with out proper instructions and I don't want to be looked down upon because of it. I want it as a career and I want people to take me serios, I will have it as a career. It is only a matter of time at this point.

So wait, 21?!? that was 5 years ago, get offtrack a little?... Yes and no. Even then I wasn't so sure if the career choice was right for me, I mean who knows maybe the first was a fluke, my art sucks, there are so many amazing artist's above my talent, and would people really pay me for my art? ... So, as you can see there was a battle in my brain. But I won. How. Simple, I told myself a few facts. One, every artist started somewhere, some with less raw talent then my own. Two, there is always someone better. Even if I was as good an artist as so many that I admire, I would still see other art that I found much more talented then my own. Third, how can I deny something that fulfills me so much? So. After this struggle my next step, get an apprenticeship. Oh now the difficulty, so the man whom let me try out his machine and I did not work out. As a matter of fact is was one of the most difficult split ups in my life. So, I left all my belongings with him. This included all my art and nearly all my art supplies... It was just easiest.

So, I started a new... My portfolio is fresh with all new artwork, I admit it is a bit... Raw, but I am drawing full-time (40+ hrs a week ), researching as much as I can, as well as trying to network with not only Artist's who inspire me and who I'm praying will critique my art and possibly offer tips and tricks, but also with people who enjoy my art. This is the biggest most important aspect to me because although to get an apprenticeship I need to impress another artist, to succeed as an artist I need to reach out and help express the art of those who have not trained their hands to do so.